Wednesday, May 30, 2007

More About the Nukak tribe

After reading the NYTimes article I was curious to see what people who had never been touched by civilization would look like so I found these pictures and additional information on various websites Nukak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia &


Tiffany said...

After reading this article, about the Nukak's, I was rather shocked. You always hear stories about people living in the wild but you assume that they are just stories and then you read something like this and it is shocking to know that people do live in the wild. This article completely grabbed my interest from the beginning. Not only do they live in the jungle but some of the Nukak’s had ventured away from the jungle and learned the Spanish language.
I think it is horrible how the Nukak were forced out of the jungle. Though I think it is amazing that Colombia’s government feeds them and puts clothes on their backs. I think it is great that the Nukak’s are welcomed and do not feel threatened by the people of Colombia. I feel many people will benefit from reading just how welcoming Colombia was for the Nukaks. It can help children and others to understand that it is okay to welcome people that are different.

M. Tomich said...

Thanks Tanya, for adding these photos and additional info on the Nukaks...