Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tips for Teaching ELL

After reviewing many of the posted websites and informational resources listed in our blog, I found the following website to be very benefical to all teachers, and field expereice students alike!


I hope that you too, take the time to review this computer based resource because i am almost certain it will help you to find a strategy to assist your ELL students. Afterall, there are 12 different strategies to choose from! Everything from hands on activities to teaching language along with content are all included. A personal favorite of mine was the "Create a Welcoming Language-Rich Environment with Opportunities for Immediate Success" strategy.

Please take the time to review this website and get back to me. I am curious to know what you all though of it. Thanks!

1 comment:

Ron Mancini said...

I was just about to post the same link! This website is very helpful for all teachers! There are many sections to the website and the bulleted lists make it clear and easy to read/understand. Knowing your students is very important because if you can undestand their cultures where the come from, the students are more likely to open up. This is directly from the website:

What country do they come from?
What language(s) do they and their families speak?
Are they immigrants or refugees?
What was life like in their native country?
What was their previous schooling experience?
What is their level of literacy in their native language?
What are some of the cultural aspects of their culture that may impact their experience in your class (taboos, sex roles, gestures, kinesthetics, etc.)?