Saturday, May 12, 2007

Watch this:


Jeremy said...

This You Tube video was truly incredible. The first item that must be discussed is the amount of children being born in just the short time of this clip. The numbers of 60 babies born in America, 244 in China and 351 in India is just insane. I feel that this must stop if we are to keep living safely in America. That is a powerful comment but do you, my fellow students not agree? Think about food shortages and just here in New Jersey how homes are being built everywhere and land is being clear cut on a daily basis. Another interesting comment was that the top 10 jobs that will be in demand in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004. This shows how as a world we are developing ever so quickly and how if you are not up on the news and times you will be left in the dust.
This can easily be related to an English as a Second Language student. A student who might have difficulty talking English or trying to translate it in a classroom environment will be left behind in a matter of seconds. Just today in my junior field classroom we had a transfer student from another country start in our 8th grade social studies classroom. The students worked on 2 worksheets today and most of the class finished and did not have homework. However, the new student because she was not able to read quickly or comprehend the new material has to complete most of the worksheets at home tonight. It is important to try and give extra time for students who fall into this category to make sure they have the same opportunities other students have.
A final comment in the clip that struck me was that predictions are that by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computation of the human brain. Personally I feel that this is not a good thing. We can not rely of technology alone. People say that teachers can never be replaced. Why can’t this happen? It already has, with online courses. What I’m trying to say here though is that we have to be careful with how quickly and how much is developed. Soon we all could be robots. Okay, that is a bit extreme by Shift Happens!

Kelly said...

This was my first you tube video and I found it fascinating. The information included was almost mind boggling yet it all seemed too real. One day, if not already, all of these statistics will become more than just a figment of our imaginations. The realization that we are preparing for a world that we don’t even know exists yet seemed astounding yet overwhelming true. The world today is growing faster than I think anyone ever dreamed possible and if we all don’t get a grip on what is happening around us, we may be left behind without even one representation of what we believe to be true.
This relates in a very fundamental way to the notion of ELL because it demonstrates just how fast the world and its population is growing and how no matter what we want to be true, the fact is that, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Preparing, in an educational way, to accommodate every child no matter what there background and culture is, is mandatory. Without every single person in this world being who they are, the world would not be the same place. I think that every teacher and student alike should embrace each others differences and grow from them; because that is the most important thing you can do to prepare for a world with endless possibilities.

Tanya said...

This was definitely an eye-opening video, one that everyone should see. It is a great reminder that America has a lot of work ahead of itself, and as teachers in America we also have our work cut out for ourselves. It is important for us to be reminded because so many times you get caught up and think that America is untouchable but with those statistics in perspective many other countries are at our heels also becoming great world powers.
With the ever-changing world around us, technology along with every other facet of our lives is continually being reinvented. We are not teaching to the same type of person our teachers were teaching to; our students will be living different lives in different worlds with different opportunities. This means that we as their teachers must reinvent teaching; creating a style that suits the lives they will be living.
Just being conscious of these statistics is not enough, we need to make the necessary changes as teachers of the future generations that will help our students be the functioning citizens they need to be to allow the United States to continue to be the great power that it is.

Kathryn Greves said...

This is mind boggling. I was in shock while watching this YouTube video. I found the way that the video was composed was dramatic, and was made to get our attention. Without any doubt it got my attention. To know that MySpace is getting that much attention, and that many views a day is mind blowing. It is crazy that something I take part in is bigger than some countries. It makes you really think about your life and the future. It is disappointing that Nintendo is spending more on research than the education department. It also is crazy that they are training people for jobs that do not even exist yet. How do we know if they will even be needed? Maybe we are just hoping they will be needed. With all this technology coming out, and a computer that will be smarter than a human brain, jobs will not be necessary. Computers will be doing all the work. To know this is all happening really makes you think, how much will really change in a matter of 50 years.

Tiffany said...

This you tube video was very informative and shocking. There were four main points that stuck out in my mind when watching the video. The first one was that China and India have more honor students than North America has students. The second was that we are preparing our students for jobs that do not exist yet. The third was that Nintendo spent double the amount of money on research then the government spent on research for education. The fourth was that what students starting a four year technical school learn their fist year will be outdated by their third year. Although I find that all of these facts are informative I find some of them unsettling. I find it sickening that Nintendo spent double the amount of money on research for video games then the government did for research in education. I also do not understand how we can prepare students for jobs if they do not exist yet. I am glad I was able to view this video and I would love to see another video with the same concept.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was a lot of information in a short amount of time. This clip was very informative. It was kinda overwhelming to watch. It makes you open up your eyes and see what this world is evolving into. It is amazing to see how fast paced this world is and how technology is taking over. It wasn't like this years ago, do you think this is why we have so many problems today with our society and the children growing up in it?
I agree with Jeremy about how we shouldn't rely on technology. It is a powerful tool, but so are our minds. Where will this leave our students?

Catherine Gorbatuk said...

An area that caught my interest is the facts about myspace. Don't get me wrong about the internet and joining myspace. (I have one too) But I feel we are getting away from the face-to-face connection. I believe I’m a bit "old school" when it comes to the internet. However, I have known many people that rely too much on the internet to get them by. My friend just applied on-line for his police position. Yes, I understand the internet makes life easier.
Although, it decreases the connection that is formed when you go and hand in your application. For instance, handing it in person, you get a feel for the environment and work styles. Now, everything is up in the air when he is to go for his interview. From looking at all the facts on utube, I realized that technology is advancing more and our education is lacking.
Another fact that I realized through my observations in schools, many schools only have a couple computers per school. The utube mentioned that under privileged children will be getting computers and some school districts around the U.S. don’t even have computers. I agree that it’s a good idea that soon these under privileged children will be receiving children although it’s worrying that some children don’t even have access to one. What is that telling the department of New Jersey’s of Education?

Terry said...

I may be a cynic but after the initial shock of the ramifications of the information presented in Shift Happens, I wondered about the source. Where did the statistics come from and who posted the video? How do we trust the accuracy? As anyone can post anything on YouTube, I'm really suspicious. That said, if a fraction of the information is true, I'm frightened! I was already worried about our country, economy, and even the future generation's ability to exist in the world long before considering the statistics given. The insinuations about future technology, given the advancements in just the past ten years, are thought provoking and downright scary.

Athena said...

Watching this video truly shocked me. The information on this YouTube was alarming. For instance, in the beginning it stated “the 25% population in China with the highest IQs is greater than the total population of North America. In India it is top 28%. Translation for teachers: they have more honor kids than we have kids”. What I found primarily distressing was that “Nintendo invested more than $140 million in research and development in 2002 alone. The U.S. Federal Government spent less than half as much on research and innovation in education”. The information about Myspace was also mind-blowing. The video stated, “There are over 160 million registered users of Myspace (as of September 2006). If My space were a country it would be the 11th largest in the world (between Japan and Mexico)”. Another unbelievable point was that, “For students starting a four-year technical or college degree, this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study”. Lastly, what I believe is absurd was the statement that “by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computation capability of the human brain and predictions are that by 2049 a $1,000 computer will exceed the computation capabilities of the human race. This is definitely not a moral idea. As a teacher I support integrating technology in the classrooms and introducing how to use computers to our students, but I do not agree in completely relying on technology. Like anything too much of something is not good and this is why it is important to try keep everything balanced in the world. Once things get chaotic negative shift happens and no one wants that!

Malissa Borges said...

I'm going to agree with everyone else that this YouTube video on Shift Happens was mind-blowing. All the facts were just out of this world and truly made me realize how fast the world changes. Not only has it opened my eyes as a person, but especially as a student and future teacher. It made me more aware especially for those ELL learners and how hard they have it. Just trying to learn a new language, let alone keep up with it, is and will be a constant struggle for them. It is very important for teachers to make that extra step to help them succeed and prepare them for their future.

One fact that was very interesting was “We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technologies that haven’t yet been invented in order to solve problems we don’t yet even know are problems yet.” How is this possible? It doesn’t make any sense.

Another remarkable fact was that by 2013, a supercomputer will be built to exceed the capability of the human brain. This could be a good and bad thing. It is good because we, as future teachers, should keep our classes up to date with all sorts of technology. However, we shouldn’t have to rely on technology completely because that takes away from the true learning experience.

All these facts truly make you think how fast the world can change and how important it is to keep up with it.

Ron Mancini said...

I just watched this video again, and the information really is interesting. Information like "The 25% of the population in China with the highest IQ is greater than the total population of North America" is scary. Are people in China really that much smarter than we are, or is this due to their large population? It seems crazy that Nintendo invested more money than the federal government! All of the information that was provided in this video really got me thinking. If the news and newspapers presented information in a way similar to the way the video did, people might pay more attention to what is going on. People would be better off if we focused on these important issues as much as we focused on Paris Hilton going to jail (although I admit that is more interesting...).

Mary said...

This you tube video was unbelievable. As a future educator I can not believe that that China and India have more honors students then we have kids. But then again as a student and student teacher I have realized that Asians have very high expectations for their children and also have very stong family values. I know that as a teacher the higher expectations you have for your students the better they will perform. Intersting enough I'm not surprised that the top ten jobs that will be in demand in 2010 didn't exist in 2004 because are technology continues to change all the time. Now a days our cell phones and computers can do everything our TV's and radios do. There is not much to say about our communication and interaction skills as humans since our relationships tend to be iniciated through the internet. Whether its myspace or any other dating online website, the truth this that more people are finding the person they are looking for this way. My friend is a living example of this. Our world is constantly changing and as future educators I know that we have to continually update ourselves with evereything.

Lili said...

All I have to say is Oh My Gosh!!! This video was a total shocker to me! I couldn't believe that both China and India have more honor students than we have kids in the United States!!! All of this information is very mind blowing! But even more is the statistics about the comparison of number of babies born in the U.S., China, and India. It was very shocking to read that Nintendo invested more than $140 million in research and development in 2002 alone, and the U.S. federal goverment spent less than half as much on research & innovation in education. It is actually a shame that so much money is going to video games and not even as much goes to research for our children's education. I actually wasn't that surprised to read that 1 out of 8 couples that married last year in the United States met online. Now with everything being done through the internet it is not that surprising. With that said, this leads me to up to the statistics about myspace. As a fellow myspacer it is absolutely insane to know that as of today there are close to 200 million people that use myspace! How can something that started out being something so simple turn out to be something extremely HUGE!!?? I actually had to post this video on myspace so everyone can read about these amazing statistics! Something that really was a BIG shocker to me was the information about the text messages. I can not believe that the number of text messages send and receieved each and every day exceeds the population of the planet!!! I think that just me alone must send half of those texts....=)
Something that was actually very upsetting to read was that half of what students starting a four-year college degree learn in their 1st year of study will be outdated by their 3rd year of study. How is that possible? No wonder most of the careers out there require you to go back for more study!