Monday, June 11, 2007

The experience of a lifetime =)

My junior field experience was everything I thought it was going to be and more. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it was going to be a wonderful learning adventure, but I didn’t know just how much 3 weeks could change my already existing schema of what teaching was all about.
I went it to it on the very first day without knowing what to expect or what was expected of me, but after meeting with my cooperating teacher and discussing his notions of what a good teacher was and what he thought would make my experience worthwhile, I knew that I was going to be up for challenge that would either reaffirm my belief of wanting to be a teacher or alter it completely.
Within just 3 days I was already thoroughly participating within the classroom environment. I reviewed homework, graded papers, and answered all of the questions my students came up with. It was great. And by the end of the second week, I pretty much had the floor to myself! I was Ms. Cerrone, “the 7th and 8th grade social studies teacher.”
During my experience, I was able to create a unit plan, with my cooperating teachers advisement, teach it to the over 120 students I had throughout the day. It was exciting to see that I was able to really relate to the students and teach them things they had never even known existed. I got a glimpse of what my future could hold and I am now surer than ever, that teaching was meant for me. I look forward to my senior field and I can only hope that it will be just as rewarding as the one I just completed.
I hope you all had just as wonderful of an experience as I did, and I look forward to hearing about them! =)

1 comment:

Kathryn Greves said...

Kelly, I am glad you had such a great experience! I agree with you that it is fun to hear the students say "Ms. Cerone" or "Ms. Greves" the social studies teacher. You feel wanted and excepted by the students! I hope you enjoy your senior field next year, and it is yet another "experience of a lifetime."