Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Use of Visual Aids as a Strategy for ELL Success

This is a site, hosted by the Jefferson County Schools of Tennesse, containing links to interactive websites. A majority of the readings I have done for this class in regards to strategies and tips for teaching ELLs have all emphasized the necessity of using visual aids to guide the ELL to successful learning. There are many sites available on the internet, in which school districts, agencies, universities and teachers have posted their own interactive lesson plans. There is no need to start from scratch when designing a visual aid component during lesson planning. The links in this site may be assigned as homework, used in a computer lab or incorporated into a multimedia presentation such as Power Point in a classroom equipped with a projector, screen and internet access. It is fairly straightforward to include a hyperlink to any of these links in a Power Point presentation; doing so will provide an accomodation for the variety of differential learning styles we will all encounter in our classrooms. I found especially helpful the link to The Biology Project, hosted by the University of Arizona, especially designed for high school biology students.

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