Friday, June 1, 2007

Interesting Video

One of my professors showed us this video in class; it's not ELL related but I think any future teacher could appreciate it...


M. Tomich said...

Good one, Tanya.

Irina Nikitovic said...

Love the video. As I watched it and heard comments made by each one of the actors I could not help but think about the same scenarios we see in today’s schools. Through my student teachings and observations I came across so many teachers that continuously complain about anything and everything, they teach to the test, give busy work, and read the chapters over and over again without concrete lesson plan…and so on. All these teachers are unhappy with their profession, they hate their job, they cannot quit because they worked for 15-20 years teaching and will lose retirement, and is to late for them to start all over doing something they love. The sad part is that students suffer having their life long learning effected by someone who does not care to make a difference.