Monday, June 18, 2007

NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) Resources

The website for the NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) at includes a Science Store link which has a number of useful resources for teaching ELLs in a science classroom. I ordered a book entitled "Science for English Language Learners: K-12 Classroom Strategies", which is available in part as free chapter downloads for both member and nonmembers of NSTA. Another free download, "Schoolyard Inquiry for English Language Learners", contains inquiry-based activities designed to help the ELL with life science concepts. Using the NSTA Science Store's search engine and typing "English Language Learners" results in a number of publications, some free and downloadable, and some for sale, that contain helpful strategies for science teachers of ELLs (and, as we know by now, these same strategies benefit all types of learners in our classrooms).

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